Synology Server: To configure only the home

Allusers'homefoldersarelocatedinoneofthesub-foldersunderafoldernamed@DH-domainname(fordomainusers)or@LH-FQDNname(forLDAPusers).The ...,2022年6月30日—StartingfromSynologyDriveServer3.1,MyDrivewillindextheentirehomefolder.IfyouareupdatingtoSynology...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DomainLDAP Users or Groups | DSM

All users' home folders are located in one of the sub-folders under a folder named @DH-domain name (for domain users) or @LH-FQDN name (for LDAP users). The ...

How can I index the entire "home" folder in Synology Drive?

2022年6月30日 — Starting from Synology Drive Server 3.1, My Drive will index the entire home folder. If you are updating to Synology Drive Server 3.1 ...

How do I enable the user home service?

2023年9月26日 — Go to Control Panel > User & Group (for DSM 7) or User (for DSM 6) > Advanced. · Scroll down to User Home and select Enable user home service. If ...

How do I manage Microsoft Active Directory client services on ...

2021年4月1日 — To enable home folders for domain users. Go to Control Panel > Domain/LDAP > Domain User, and click User Home. · To access domain user's home ...

Synology AD user homes and shared folders

2014年4月29日 — Each user's home folder is under /users/ on the DS412+. All Domain Users have Read on /users/ and Read/Write on their individual folders.

Synology Enable Home Directories

2023年2月1日 — Synology can provide a home folder for each user. This is called the user home service . Several other services require this service.

Synology Home Drives and Mapping via Windows

2018年11月10日 — Folder Synology Creates under HOMES is @DH-DOMAIN. Under @DH-DOMAIN is another folder '0'. Under '0' is the user profile folders it creates.

如何在Synology NAS 上管理Microsoft Active Directory 的 ...

2021年4月1日 — 將Synology NAS 加入AD 網域 · 使用屬於administrators 群組的帳號登入DSM。 · 前往控制台> 網域/ LDAP > 網域。 · 勾選加入網域。 · 輸入以下設定: 網域: ...


Allusers'homefoldersarelocatedinoneofthesub-foldersunderafoldernamed@DH-domainname(fordomainusers)or@LH-FQDNname(forLDAPusers).The ...,2022年6月30日—StartingfromSynologyDriveServer3.1,MyDrivewillindextheentirehomefolder.IfyouareupdatingtoSynologyDriveServer3.1 ...,2023年9月26日—GotoControlPanel>User&Group(forDSM7)orUser(forDSM6)>Advanced.·ScrolldowntoUserHomeandselectEnableuserhomese...